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Even-Aged Forests Vs Uneven Aged Forests

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Even-Aged Forests Vs Un-Even Aged Forests

Allows almost complete control over stand establishment
Supply of seed or seedlings must come from outside of the stand to be established, unless shelter wood or seed tree reproduction methods are employed
Seed supply comes from the residual stand, ease and certainty of natural regeneration
Control over stand establishment is difficult to achieve
High levels of direct solar radiation
Seedlings are highly exposed to the elements 
Regeneration is more sheltered from the elements
Lower levels of direct solar radiation 
Less root competition in the regenerated stand
Higher potential for damaging erosion to occur
Lower potential for damaging erosion to occur
More root competition in the residual stand
Suitable for regenerating shade-intolerant tree species.
Shade-tolerant species may be overly exposed
Suitable for regenerating shade-tolerant tree species 
May not be suitable for regenerating shade-intolerant tree species
Logging and administrative costs relatively low
The forest is significantly changed after cutting
The forest is not significantly changed after cutting
High logging and administrative costs; low volumes
Enables use of genetic improvements, when planted
Usually less biologically diverse, particularly young stands
Usually more biologically diverse 
Difficult to use genetic improvements
Usually not as costly to invest in tending of small trees
Less suitable for small ownerships
More suitable for small ownerships
Usually costly to invest in tending of small trees (on large ownerships)
Relatively simple to achieve a balanced, sustained yield of forest products
Income only at final harvest or thinning
Growth capacity of site can be converted to revenue at short intervals 
Difficult to achieve a balanced, sustained yield of forest products
More adaptable to reclamation of nonproductive sites
Costly site preparation, including use of pesticides and heavy equipment, is usually necessary
Site preparation is usually unnecessary
Less adaptable to reclamation of nonproductive sites
Uniform growth rates and tree size
Usually less aesthetically pleasing, depending on species composition
Usually more aesthetically pleasing
Growth rates and tree size variable
Higher risk of disease, insect problems, and wildfire
Lower risk of disease, insect problems, and wildfire

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Naeem Javid Muhammad Hassani is working as Conservator of Forests in Balochistan Forest & Wildlife Department (BFWD). He is the CEO of Tech Urdu ( Forestrypedia (, All Pak Notifications (, Essayspedia, etc & their YouTube Channels). He is an Environmentalist, Blogger, YouTuber, Developer & Vlogger.

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